No 9 Kado Phase II, Natasha Akpoti St, Off Ahmadu Belo Way, FCT Abuja
234 813 953 3651
+234 916 626 3567
No 9 Kado Phase II, Natasha Akpoti St, Off Ahmadu Belo Way, FCT Abuja
234 813 953 3651
+234 916 626 3567
Climate change is a major threat to Nigeria, which is highly vulnerable to its effects. The country is already experiencing the negative impacts of climate change, such as more intense floods, droughts, and saltwater intrusion. Without prompt action, the situation will only get worse.
Our company, CACOI, is working to raise awareness of climate change in Nigeria and to help the government develop a low-carbon economic strategy. We believe that Nigeria can transition to a low-carbon economy by 2026, and we are committed to helping make that happen.
Climate change is an environmental and economic challenge faced by governments around the world. Changes in ecosystems and seasonal cycles are negatively affecting agriculture and food supply, aquaculture, water supply and quality for crop irrigation and human and livestock consumption. Climate change also has led to more intense hurricanes, storms, and patterns of floods and droughts, which scientists say will become more severe over time unless greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution is reduced significantly. Changing weather patterns have led to increased occurrences of malnutrition and other socio-economic hazards.
As Africa’s most populous nation with a high dependency on rain-fed agriculture for most of its food production and an economy dependent on income generated from the exploitation of fossil fuels (located mostly in the low-lying coastal zone), Nigeria is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. In Nigeria, climate change is likely to lead to a shift in the boundaries of major ecological zones, alter animal and plant composition, aggravate soil erosion and flooding in areas of higher rainfall, heighten drought and desertification in the marginal zones of the country and saltwater intrusion along the coastal belt. Stable ecosystems such as the Sahel Savanna are becoming more vulnerable because climate change is reinforcing water scarcity and drought patterns in the region.
Moreover, much of Nigeria’s industry is clustered around its seaports and at threat from sea level rise. Without prompt, robust GHG pollution mitigation policies and activities, the negative impacts of climate change will grow worse.
In 2001, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) created the Kyoto Protocol to combat the negative effects of global warming. Countries with binding GHG reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol may meet their obligations through a combination of national measures, Emissions Trading (ET), the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and Joint Implementation (JI).
In Nigeria, awareness of climate change issues is very low. Article 6 of the Climate Change Convention highlights the need to improve the public perception of climate change so that key stakeholders and decisions makers are made aware of the impact of projects on climate change.
CACOI’s team intends to work closely with the National Climate Change Council, Staes and Federal Ministry of Environment Climate Change Department and other established international/Local Climate Change Institutions to enhance her capacity and learn from these institutions so as to enhance, educate and encourage the transfer of climate technology to rural communities across Nigeria and Africa.
▪ Carbon Neutrality before 2060
▪ Focused on China’s effort and support to developing countries in developing green and low-carbon energy, climate change and green development.
▪ China’s commitment to accelerated implementation of the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development
▪ Ensure that the rail sector currently being installed is low-carbon compliant.
▪ Ensure that a comprehensive approach to a low-carbon economic path is factored into all national decisions about rural and urban land use.
Finally, the CACOI team will assist the government to create a Low Carbon Economic Strategy that fits into the national economic strategy currently promulgated to secure sustainable economic growth and ensure, the transition to a low-carbon economy in Nigeria by 2020.